Conversion of Unicondylar Knee to Total Knee Replacement (Primary Complex TKR)

55 years old gentleman underwent right partial knee replacement in 2019 for medial compartment osteoarthritis. Over the last 6 months he complained of pain instability and difficulty in walking. His X-Rays revealed subsidence and loosening of the tibial component (Picture).

Having ruled out infection he was taken up for surgery to convert this into total knee replacement. These cases require appropriate surgical planning to counter the tibial and femoral defect and meticulous balancing of flexion and extension gap. We routinely perform these procedure at our institute with excellent results. Post-operative X-Ray shows primary knee replacement implant with additional tibial stem. Patient is making satisfactory recovery after surgery.

Conversion of Unicondylar Knee to Total Knee Replacement (Primary Complex TKR)

Revision Total Knee Replacement (Rotating Hinge Knee)

67 yrs old lady who had undergone revision total knee replacement (rotating hinge knee) 1 year ago fell at home and sustained a Periprosthetic fracture around tibial stem.
The tibial component was well fixed and therefore we chose to fix the fracture. This was done by using 2 plates to achieve good fixation as seen in the post operative x-rays. She will have to ambulate with protective weight bearing until the fracture unites.

Revision Total Knee Replacement (Rotating Hinge Knee)

Revision Total Knee Replacement For Infection (Rotating Hinge Knee)

77 years old gentleman underwent Left Knee replacement 4 years ago. He presented with severe pain and swelling in knee. Infection markers were highly raised and pus was aspirated from the knee. We were unable to grow any organism. Treatment of infected total knee replacement is highly challenging as it is very difficult to eradicate infection in these cases.
We did 2 stage revision total knee replacement. In first stage all the previous implants were removed and thorough debridement was done. Mobile antibiotic cement spacer was used so that the patient can remain mobile during the 1st stage. Broad spectrum antibiotics were given for 6 weeks. After 3 months the infection markers returned to normal and we proceeded for 2nd stage surgery.
Rotating hinge knee implants were used to substitute the deficient collateral ligaments. Post-operative X-Ray show rotating hinge knee prosthesis. Patient is recovering well from this extensive surgery


Total Hip Replacement (Dual Mobility)

66 years old lady presented with pain, limp and inability to bear full weight over left lower limb for the past 1 year.

Patient had history of surgical intervention done elsewhere in view of proximal femur fracture 1 year back. Fracture was fixed with short PFN A2. Surgical site has been healed with primary intention and has no sign of infection. Her blood investigations were also come to be within normal limits.

Present X-Ray showing non union fracture proximal femur with Failed PFN in situ.

Thus planned for PFN removal and conversion to UNCEMENTED (DUAL MOBILITY) THR with long stem to bypass the distal screw.

Post op showing well press fit uncemented Total Hip Replacement (THR) with dual mobility cup to enhance the stability. These cases are challenging due to presence of ununited fracture in proximal femur and needs extra care for stability. We routinely do these cases with good outcomes using special dual mobility cup concept.

Now patient is happy, walking comfortably with support.


Total Hip Replacement Dual Mobility

Revision Total Knee Replacement – Rotating hinge Knee

77 year old gentleman had underwent Right total knee replacement in 2017 elsewhere in view of secondary Osteoarthritis (post tubercular).  Subsequently patient developed surgical site infection after 3 months of the index procedure and came to us with no relief in symptoms.

We have done 1st stage debridement and cemented mobile spacer was inserted in 2019. After 2 months of subsidence of infection, 2nd stage specialized revision implant (rotating hinge knee) was done. At follow up –  Patient is asymptomatic and walking with support.
