Revison Total Knee Replacement

case-study4Sep-2014 :
Kamala Devi 57 Years old lady presenting with pain and inability to bear weight on right lower limb. Patient developed intraoperative supracondylar fracture of the femur during Total Knee Replacement(TKR) in Feb 2011 . 4 days later Open Reduction Internal Fixation with Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing was done. Implant failed and revision surgery (ORIF with DFLP + Bone Grafting) done in Aug 2013. Augmentation with local BMP also done in Oct 2013 but fracture did not unite. Distal Femoral Locking Plate was removed and Revision Total Knee Replacement with Rotating Hinge knee was done. Post operatively patient is comfortable and walking with the walker.