Metal on poly Total Hip Replacement


Sep-2014 :
62 years old lady had subtrochanteric fracture for which IM Nail was done. This failed within 1 month of surgery for which fixation with DCS was done along with bone grafting. Post operative period was uneventful but 5 months after this surgery the DCS broke with clear evidence of non union of the fracture. For this difficult case this plate was removed and it was decided to convert this into uncemented long stem metal on poly Total Hip Replacement. Following surgery the patient is comfortable and mobilizing with the help of walker.

Revision of Metal on Metal Total Hip Replacement due to Pseudotumor formation

CASE STUDYcase-study4


May-2014 :
Revision of Metal on Metal Total Hip Replacement due to Pseudotumor formation 39 years old gentleman is a follow up case of right total hip replacement (Large Diameter head Metal on Metal) done 5 years back for healed tuberculosis of hip. Now patient has presented with complains of pain around right hip on walking. Fresh x-rays showed radiolysis around acetabulum with no loosening of femoral stem. MRI of pelvis showed pseudotumor formation around right hip. He has undergone revision Right Total Hip Replacement using uncemented acetabulum and femur (Metal on Poly). Intraoperatively there was a change in the consistency of muscles around the hip joint (pseudotumor), this mass was excised in toto. Now the patient has been discharged and is now comfortable and pain free. This rare condition of pseudotumor formation with Metal on Metal Total Hip Replacement(THR) has been successfully treated.